Nassau Newsletter
December, 2005
Volume xii, Number 12
Paul Eccardt - President, Michael Slavin - Vice President, Paul Keogler - Treasurer, Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The General Meeting

Our December meeting will be our annual Holiday Party, to be held on the first Tuesday of the month, December 6, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at:

George Washington Manor
1305 Old Northern Boulevard
Old Roslyn Village
(516) 621-1200

The full-course dinner is $38 per person (including tax and tip) with a cash bar. There will be a choice of more than a dozen entrees; filet mignon is an additional $5. Please send your reservations / payment to our treasurer:

Paul Keogler
c/o Dancing Ivories
11 Washington Avenue
Bay Shore, NY 11706

We hope everyone will plan to attend. Proper casual attire is recommended. Directions and map follow on page 3 of this newsletter.


President's Message
by Paul Eccardt

This is the time of year that people spend the most money. If we sit back and just take what happens to come our way, we won't be making up for all the slow months that the summer brought us. Now is the time to advertise, book regulations, sell pianos if possible,and even hire someone to help us if necessary. Try not to turn away work if possible. Each customer that gets turned away could have been a potential repeat customer in June, six months later, when business is slow. Have a happy and healthy holiday season.

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