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Minutes of the September Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The September meeting of the Nassau PTG was held at Frank and Camille's Piano Center in Carle Place on September 11, 2007. Seven members attended. The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by our president, Mike Slavin. The previous minutes were read and a financial report given by our treasurer, Paul Keogler. The dinner committee reported that there were several possibilities for our end of year party. He will investigate and report at the next meeting. We did not have a delegate to the convention because our delegate was ill.

Our technical consisted of a round table discussion which included a fuller explanation of Mike Slavin's method of mountng the trapwork in a Sohmer upright. The problem exists because the trapwork is external and when the lyre is removed all the pedal rods fall. Mike uses a hex screw to hold the lyre in place while he installs it so that it will be able to be mounted by one person. We discussed several other items of general interest.

Our meeting ended at 8:30 which is the new closing time for the store. We thank Frank and Camille for their assistance.
