Nassau Newsletter
September, 2004
Volume xi, Number 9
Paul Eccardt - President, Michael Slavin - Vice President, Paul Keogler - Treasurer, Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The General Meeting

Please note our new meeting place

The general meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday, September 14 starting at 7 PM at:

Steinway Piano Gallery
Fortunoff Mall
Old Country Road
Westbury, New York

This month's technical class will be given by our own Paul Keogler. The topic of the presentation will be "What's New with PianoDisc?".

The Executive Committee will meet at 5 PM at the Majestic Diner, directly across from the Fortunoff Mall, on Old Country Road, prior to the general meeting.

Steve Fairchild

Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, RPT

When installing a new set of hammers on a grand action, occasionally some wet glue will drip from the collar or settle onto the hammer rest rail felt. These drops of glue will impregnate the felt and dry and harden, and can become noisy when the shanks return. To avoid damaging the rest rail felt, simply cover it with a thin strip of saran wrap, wax paper, plastic sheet (dry cleaner's bag, etc.) before beginning the gluing process.

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