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Minutes of the April Meeting
by Paul Eccardt - Chapter President

Last meeting we went to the Piano Exchange where Rick Smith, the proprietor, showed us all of his pianos. There were many amazing pianos of all sizes and shapes. I can't begin to describe all of what we saw. Here are a few examples: a grand piano with two plates dove tailed together and keys on both sides, and a piano made with tortoise shell and gold trim. Also convertible pianos that turn into things like bookcases, etc., expensive ornate pianos, etc. He had great stories regarding all of his pianos. His presentation was amazing. Anyone who missed that technical really missed a great one. It started at 7:00 PM and finished at 10:30 PM on 04/12/05.

There was a total of seven members who showed up. Two of them were from the Manhattan chapter, and one from the Suffolk chapter.

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Stolen Pianos

Mike Costa of the Piano Shoppe informs us that they are offering a reward of up to $2,000.00 for the recovery of stolen pianos. He can be reached at 631-361-2083 if anyone has any information regarding these pianos. He suggests we keep in mind that someone may try to order the missing parts.

Young Chang - Model # PG-157 s/n 141652
5'2" Baby Grand High Gloss Black (missing music rack)

Young Chang - Model # GS-150 s/n CG0013318
5' Baby Grand High Gloss Red Mahogany

Hardman Model R126WH s/n--4129
50" Upright High gloss Red mahagony


Viscount - Model - Maestro - 3' digital grand High gloss brown mahogany (missing prop stick)

Princeton - Model HP-1 - 88 note digital on matching Rosewood stand.

Steve Fairchild