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Overcoming Problems When You're Over Forty
by Paul Eccardt, Chapter President

If you are over forty and you are like me, you have over twenty years of experience. Fortunately, the experience helps me overcome lots of problems I would have had. Now, the most important tool in my case are my glasses. I found that having a lot of light is also important now. I can do certain things by feel, while when I was younger, I needed to do them with good sight and feel, like leveling keys, doing key dip or putting a screw in on a spinet butt. Having done it so many times helps a lot. I've changed other things over the years, like making more trips to the car when carrying lots of tool, actions, etc., taking more days to do heavy restringing jobs, putting pads down on the floor when leveling keys, for my knees. I'm also more concerned about protecting my hearing and my health. I'll use ear plugs when vacuuming, stringing, etc. I'll use fans and masks when using glues, chemicals or filing hammers. I think it would be very difficult starting to learn this business after the age of forty.

Webb Phillips

(minutes - continued from previous page)

Our chapter meeting started at 8:45 PM. We had the previous minutes read and approved. Our treasurer was ill, but sent his report which was the same as last month.The matter of granting chapter sustaining memberships was discussed. The new application of Marilyn Heischober for Chapter Sustaining Membership was discussed and approved at chapter level. Final approval lies with the PTG Board of Directors and Council.

The June dinner meeting will be held at Ivarrones, in Lake Success. Mike Slavin will discuss seating arrangements with the owner. The cost of the party will be slightly more than last year because the chapter can no longer subsidize the tax and tip. Mike will have more information in the May newsletter. The meeting ended at 9:15 PM.

A Special Invitation

Jerry Gravina, RPT, informs us that the Suffolk Chapter invites all members of the Nassau Chapter to their next meeting. Scott Jones from PitchLock will be giving a demonstration of the new technology, Coupled String Tuning, which was featured on the cover of the January 2004 issue of the Piano Technicians Journal.

The meeting is at Frank & Camille's on Route 110 in Melville on Tuesday, April 20, at 8:00 PM.
