Nassau Newsletter
March, 2006
Volume xiii, Number 3
Paul Eccardt - President, Michael Slavin - Vice President, Paul Keogler - Treasurer, Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The General Meeting

The general meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday, March 14 at 7 p.m. at:

Paul Keogler's shop
Dancing Ivories
11 Washington Avenue
Bay Shore, New York
(631) 242-0963

The Executive Committee will meet at 5 p.m. at Dancing Ivories, and proceed from there to dinner at a local restaurant. Directions to Dancing Ivories and a map are on page 3.

This month's technical class will be given by our chapter treasurer Paul Keogler covering finishing and other topics.

There was no chapter meeting in February.


Here is a note from Paul Kupelian, regional VP, to our chapter president, Paul Eccardt, explaining the PTG board decision regarding our request for a chapter name change:


I just returned from the mid year Board meeting. I am disappointed to report that the Board did not approve the proposed name change. Please understand that this in no way was done because Ernie was not deserving of it. Indeed if anyone is deserving of this kind of recognition, it was Ernie. The main reason it wasn't approved was because of the potential of many other chapters wanting to rename their chapters in recognition of a favorite son. They did recommend that you may want to consider a national award to honor Ernie's name similar to the Jack Greenfield award.

Again, my regrets concerning this matter.

Fraternally yours,

Paul Kupelian, NERVP